June 20, 2017

Memory Strategies

Why Human is Special ?

Because we have mind to think.
Human have 3 times bigger brain than a gorila
Because we have memory

Memory VS Brain
Ø Memory can keep,save,protect and remember any information or moments.Memory can be lost if we not keep it going what we have learnt.
Ø Brain is an organ. Brain is a main system, if its get damage, whole system

Memory just like Computer software and Brain is Computer Hardware.
Computer software can save,protect and keep data safe in the computer. The data can be lost if there is some virus attacking.
Computer Hardware is a main system. If the hardware get broken, the whole system will not be functioned.

Our Brain System

Memory Strategies
1. Setting Your mind before doing something.
2. Trust your own Memory. Faith is important!
3. Love it, Repeat, and make Exercise to make our mind remember about something.

Type of Memory:
ü Sensory Memory(SM)
² Temporary
² If not concentrate, the memory will lost
ü Short Term Memory(STM)
² Temporary for 20 sec to 24hours
² A part from SM
² The memory will lost if we don’t rehearsel
ü Long Term Memory(LTM)
² Long-lasting
² Depends on somebody to recall it

To improve memory we can use:

Ø Massed practice (Not recommended)
Ø Spaced practise(Recommended)
Ø Break readinng
Ø Rehearsel(10 Times)
Ø Use Acronyms-eg.UiTM=University Tecnology MARA
Ø Use Acrostics
Ø Use Mnemonic- make it funny to easily remember
Ø Mapping

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